How to Make a Flat White That Would Make Your Barista Proud

by | Jan 27, 2023

Many people see flat whites as a coffee drink best served at their local coffee shop. That said, making it just as good at home is possible if you know the technique. In this article, we will show you how to make a delicious flat white at home that will earn you awe from friends and family alike.

Difference Between Flat White and Latte

First, let’s clear up the difference between a flat white and a latte. They are both similar espresso drinks, but there are some key differences. The main difference between a flat white and a latte is the amount of milk used and the way the milk is prepared. Here are some key differences between the two drinks:

Milk Quantity

The main difference between a flat white and a latte is the amount of milk used. A flat white has less milk than a latte; a latte typically has around 6 oz of milk, while a flat white has about 4 oz of milk. This means a flat white has a more robust coffee flavor and less milk than a latte.

Milk Preparation

The way the milk is prepared is another critical difference. For a latte, the milk is steamed and frothed to create thick and creamy foamed milk. This gives the latte a smooth, creamy texture and a slightly sweet taste. The milk is also steamed for a flat white, but you are not frothing milk as much. This creates a velvety texture and tiny, tight bubbles, which gives the flat white a creamy texture and a slightly sweet taste.

Espresso Quantity

The amount of espresso used is also different. A latte typically has one shot of espresso, while a flat white has a double shot of espresso. This makes the flat white a more potent coffee drink.

Mug Size

A flat white is typically served in a smaller mug than a latte. This is because it has less milk than a latte, so a smaller cup is sufficient.

Diving Into Flat White Coffee Ingredients

If you want to make a flat white that rivals Starbucks, it will require using high-quality ingredients and preparing them with care. The right balance of espresso, milk, and good-quality water, is the key to making a delicious cup.


The espresso is typically made with a dark roast, high-quality coffee bean. The beans should be freshly ground and brewed just before brewing to ensure the best flavor. The espresso is pulled in a double shot, which means two ounces of espresso are used.


The type of milk used for a flat white is crucial as it affects the taste and texture of the drink. Whole milk is the most commonly used milk for a flat white, as it creates a creamy texture and a slightly sweet taste. It is high in fat, which makes it perfect for steaming and frothing. When steamed, it creates a velvety texture and small, tight bubbles, which gives the milk a creamy texture and a slightly sweet taste.

Low-fat milk, such as skim or 2%, can also be used for a flat white, but they don’t create the same creamy texture and slightly sweet taste as whole milk. These types of milk are more challenging to foam, and the foam is less stable than whole milk. If you prefer to use low-fat milk, it’s recommended to mix it with a small amount of cream to improve the texture and taste.

Non-dairy milk, such as soy, almond, or oat milk, can also be used for a flat white. These non-dairy milks have a different taste and texture than cow’s milk and may not foam. Many baristas recommend using soy milk as the best non-dairy alternative due to its creamy texture and ability to foam well.


Another essential ingredient that many people overlook is water. The water used to make the espresso should be fresh and clean. Poor quality water can affect the taste and aroma of the coffee, so it is important to use the best quality water available.

Finding the Right Temperature

Ensuring your flat white is at the right temperature is crucial for the perfect drinking experience. If it is too hot it can burn your tongue, while one that is too cold can leave you with a less-than-satisfying taste. You should aim for your flat white to be around 140-150F (60-65C). Here are some tips on ensuring your flat white is the right temperature.

First, the milk should be heated to around 160-170F (70-77C). This will allow the milk to be warm and frothy, which is perfect for a flat white.

When preparing the espresso, it is important to let it cool down before adding it to the milk, and this will prevent the espresso from overheating and potentially burning your tongue. Let the espresso sit for around 30 seconds after brewing before adding it to the foamed milk.

Another aspect to consider is the cup. A ceramic mug is the best choice for a flat white as it will keep the drink warm for longer. Glass or metal cups are not recommended as they don’t retain heat as well as ceramic mugs.

Lastly, let your flat white sit for a moment before drinking it.

How to make a flat white coffee with an espresso machine

Some of you may have a super-automatic espresso machine that will allow you to select flat white as an option and make the drink for you with a single push of a button. In which case, that will be all you need to do here. If this is not an option, you can follow the instructions below.


double espresso (2 shots)

4 oz of steamed milk

Milk of choice

Sugar (optional)


Start by grinding and dosing the coffee beans for your espresso. Make sure to use high-quality, freshly roasted beans, and grind them before brewing.

Turn on your espresso machine and let it heat up for a few minutes.

While the machine is heating up, prepare your milk. Pour 4 oz of milk into a milk jug and use your steam wand to heat it to around 160-170F.

Once the milk is heated, use a milk frother to create a velvety texture. This will take around 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Once the machine is heated, pull a double shot of espresso into a small latte cup.

Pour the steamed milk into the center of the espresso.

To finish, hold a spoon under the surface of the foam and pour the foam over the top of the coffee.

If desired, add sugar to taste.

Bonus Tip:

To create latte art, you may pour the milk and foam over the cup in a circular motion.

How to make a flat white coffee without a machine

Making a flat white coffee without a coffee machine is possible, and it can be an excellent option for those who don’t have access to an espresso machine. Here’s how to make a flat white coffee without a coffee machine:


2 oz of strong coffee (can be made using a French press, Moka pot, or pour-over)

4 oz of steamed milk

Milk of choice

Sugar (optional)


Start by preparing your strong coffee using your chosen method. Make sure to use high-quality, freshly roasted beans, and grind them before brewing.

While the coffee is brewing, prepare your milk. Pour 4 oz of milk into a small saucepan and heat it over medium heat.

Once the milk is heated, use a whisk or a milk frother to create a velvety texture. This will take around 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Once the coffee is ready, pour it into a small latte cup.

Pour the steamed milk into the center of the coffee.

To finish, hold a spoon under the surface of the foam and pour the foam over the top of the coffee.

If desired, add sugar to taste.

Enjoy your homemade flat white coffee!


In conclusion, making a flat white at home is easy and straightforward. With the right ingredients, techniques, and equipment, you can make a delicious flat white that will rival any barista. Whether using an espresso machine or other brewing methods, the key to making a perfect flat white is using high-quality coffee beans, milk, and steaming and frothing the milk to a velvety texture. Remember to also pay attention to the temperature, the cup size, and the quality of water you use. With some practice, you can make a flat white at home that will make your barista proud!

There many ways to make a great cup of coffee!

Read about all the great coffee and epresso machines on the market.

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